
Please help!

St Dunstan's Appeals envelope from the 1940s by kind permission of Blind Veterans UK

We are delighted that we have a further five years of support from the British Academy to continue the project’s work until at least 2024 – watch this space for some new developments in 2020, including a podcast series on…

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News, Resources

JUST LAUNCHED: Records Management Improvement Toolkit

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new and updated online toolkit to help charities, voluntary and community groups with records management. Record keeping is an important but often overlooked part of running a voluntary organisation. It is vital…

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Four things academics can do to help preserve charity archives

This week’s new that the Black Cultural Archives is to receive £200,000 stop-gap funding from government is a moment to celebrate, although the organisation’s future is far from secure. This results from a wide community campaign of support, including an…

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